31 Crafty Flowers Day Seven - Repurposed Magnet Flowers
Day Seven - Flower heaven!
Today's Crafty Flower is a great way to recycle those advertising magnets we all get in the mail!
This is a such a quick and easy craft for the kiddos to do and makes a great gift.
While making these I came up with so many ideas for these magnets so look for a post about more crafty uses for magnets soon!
Here's What you need to begin:
-Patterned Paper
-Old advertising magnets
-Foam brush
-Needle & thread
Step One
Trace the shape of the magnet on the back of your choice of scrapbook paper and cut out the paper.
This doesn't have to be exact as you'll be cutting your flower out later.
Step Two
Spread glue over magnet with foam brush and attach the paper piece you cut out in step one.
Let this dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
Step Three
On the back of the now paper covered magnet draw or trace your flower shape.
I have a template flowers and other shapes you could use if you like.
You'll need to shrink it down quite a bit for it to work for the magnet.
Step Four
Cut the flower shape from the magnet.
Step Five
Trace and cut the leaves the same way you did the flowers.
Step Six
Choose a button for the center and stitch through the button holes *before* attaching with a glue gun or double-sided tape.
That's it!
Your magnet is complete!
I have to warn you that these don't hold up very much weight, but don't they look prettier than advertising on a fake credit card?
(and isn't nice to have them making your kitchen pretty instead of taking up space in a landfill?)
Have fun making these!
I've received some more photos (thanks guys!) so I'm working on getting the gallery set up.!
Don't forget to vote for me in the Mommyfest Photo Contest! (click here to vote)
Grace and Peace,
♥ Melissa~
Let cities overflow with food and hills be covered with grain, just like Mount Lebanon. Let the people in the cities prosper like wild flowers.
-Psalm 72:16