Punch Flower Ball Garland | 31 Crafty Flowers in 31 Days - Day 22
Day Twenty-Two only 9 more flowers before we're through!
Today's flower tutorial for the 31 Crafty Flowers in 31 Days is a pretty punched flower garland.
Here's what you need to get started:
-Flower Punch (or die cut or trace or draw your own)
-Glue Dots (or other dry adhesive)
-Patterned or plain scrapbook paper (this would also be cute with recycled paper like yesterday's flower)
-Baker's Twine or other ribbon or string
Step One
Punch flowers in your desired colors.
You'll need six flowers for each flower ball.
You'll need about three or four flower balls per foot of garland.
Step Two
I've drawn a little face & body on this flower to make the instructions easier to understand.
You can do the same for the first flower you create to help you get the hang of it, but after that, it probably won't be necessary.
Step Three
Join five flowers together at the "arms" using glue dots or other dry adhesive.
It should look something like this:
Now put adhesive on all five petals of another flower and join each petal to one of the "faces" on your flowers.
Then attach the last two "arms".
It should look something like this now:
Now flip the flower upside down and you'll see five little pairs of "legs".
Adhere each "leg" to the one next to it as above.
Your finished flower should look something like this:
Step Six
Once you've finished all your flowers, string them on bakery twine or ribbon to create the garland.
That's it, now string your garland somewhere summery-ish and enjoy!
You could do this with red,white & blue flowers for a fourth of July barbecue or in bright primary colors for a birthday party too!
Have Fun!
Grace & Peace,
♥ Melissa~
"As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field;"
-Psalm 103:15